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Deb Gleeson - 04 June 2017

What if one of your mates was developing depression like Collingwood player Alex Fasolo? What would you do?

Depression can happen to anyone: Collingwood player Alex Fasolo is taking leave to deal with depression.

His team mates had no idea he was struggling to live with depression until last weekend. These are people that see and work with him intimately all week. However they did not know.

What are the signs they might have noticed?

Unusually sad mood

Lack of interest in things he usually found pleasurable

Lack of energy or tiredness

Feeling worthless or guilty (when they are not at fault)

Thinking about death or suicide

Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Moving slowly or becoming agitated

Having sleeping difficulties

Changes in attitude towards food, sometimes eating too much or not enough

What could they have done to help and support hum?

Talk to him


Support him and give him reliable information

Encourage him to get appropriate professional help

Encourage him to keep in touch with family and friends

Mental Health First Aid gives people the ability to offer help to a person developing a mental health issue, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health issue or in a mental health crisis.

The help is given until appropriate professional help is received or until the crisis resolves.

Research has proven that the quicker someone receives help for a mental illness the more likely they are to recover quicker.

To become part of our community that can offer help and support at the appropriate times please book into one of our courses and make the commitment to become a Mental Health First Aider!

Remember Mental Health is everyone's business.