0402 749 850
How much does it cost?

To get your quote contact us - as pricing varies 
A range of corporate and not for profit discounts apply (up to 50% discount)
All prices include GST
All course materials
Life time service warranty
Two person training team
Tailoring of course content to suit participants

I'm worried I will say or do the wrong thing

MHFA will teach you the basics of what to do and what not to do. For more information, please follow this link to MHFA Australia’s page.

Will I learn any real practical skills?
Yes, practical skills are a big part of MHFA
Is there a test?

No and yes

The basic course is participation based, you must be present for and participate in the course to get your certificate
The accreditation is achieved by passing a ten question Online test, open book

Why do MHFA?

Please refer to our page on the benefits of MHFA

How long is the course?
MHFA Standard is 12 hours of contact
Blended is 9 (nominal hours), this can be a little more or less dependant on participant, of self paced computer based learning PLUS 3.5 hours of contact
Intellectual Disability is 12 hours of contact
Is the course accredited?
Yes, each participant who completes the course receives a certificate Once an online test is complete each participant receives their accreditation from MHFA Australia
Do I need any existing knowledge to start the course?
NO, you just need to want to learn how to help people
What if I miss a section of the course?
We will assist you to complete at no extra cost
When is the next course?

You can see a list of our our courses here

If these dates do not suit, or you would like to arrange in-house training, please call
0402 749 850, or send a question to david@mentalhealthpartners.com.au

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