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Deb Gleeson - 07 December 2016

The other side of the coin - how long is it since you looked?

When our mental wellbeing is affected we often do a lot of 'unhelpful thinking'.  Letting what is know as our 'negative ego' tell us harmful ideas about ourselves.  That is one side of the coin.  

The other side of our 'life coin' is always there we just have to metaphorically turn the coin over.  

Here's a process to help you see and become involved with the other side of your 'life coin'. 

You will need:

50 cent coin

2 small pieces of paper (that will fit on the 50 cent coin)


sticky tape

Sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes if you want to, let your thoughts take you to that stream of 'stuff' that comes from your negative ego.  Just listen, it can't hurt you unless you give it that power.  Ask yourself; 'what is this stream of stuff telling me?' 'how is it making me feel?' What emotions is it bringing up for me?' 'What behaviours does it drive in me?'

When you have really examined this unhelpful thinking, let it coalesce into a word. One word is good but if you need two or three then go with it.  

Take you small piece of paper and write the word or words onto it and then tape it to one side of you coin.  

As humans we often have a habit of focusing on the negative.  This is your negative and unhelpful thinking.  However it is just one side of your 'life coin'.  


Here is the other side of your 'life coin'. A side of space and opportunity.  Just waiting for you to name it and take notice of it. 

Close you eyes again.  You know how much time, space and energy the 'negative' is taking up in your life.....

now consider what you would do with that time, space and energy when you can use if for whatever you want.  What is it you really want?  Give yourself time, then try to get this idea into one to three words (you have to be able to write them onto that piece of paper that will fit on your coin). 

Write your word/s onto the paper and tape to the other side of your coin.  

This week (try for once a day) when you notice the unhelpful/negative thinking, pick up your coin and turn it over.  Think about what you have written there and ask yourself 'how can it put this into action in my life, NOW'  Then do it.  

Carry your coin with you, take it out when you notice your unhelpful thinking.  The most important thing here is to put the other side of your coin into action.  

There is a picture of my coin above.  I've had it for years.  The unhelpful side is 'shame'.  This is how depression speaks to me, making me feel ashamed  of myself.  The new and positive side is 'spirit'.  This is what I wanted to fill that space with 'my spirit' me....the person who I thought was lost.  At first I struggled to use the coin but bit by bit it became a very helpful tool, reminding me of who I wanted to be, who I really was.  

Keep going you really are worth it!

Remember Mental Health is everyone's business.