0402 749 850

Deb Gleeson - 08 October 2017

Come sit on our couch during Mental Health Week

Mental Health Couch for Mental Health Week

Hi Everyone,

It's Mental Health Week in Australia!

This week the Mental Health Partners staff will be volunteering at a Mental Health Couch at Hollywood Plaza, Salisbury Downs.

The idea for the 'couch' came from an article we shared earlier this year about older women in India being trained and given a couch outside somewhere in their community. The idea was that anyone could come up and talk to these women and get support and information about mental health.

David and I thought it was a wonderful idea and committed to having a couch of our own during mental health week.

Hollywood Plaza management have been very supportive of the idea and have given us a space at no cost. We would especially like to thank Stephanie for the work she has done preparing with us.

The theme for Mental Health Week this year is 'Do You See What I See?' It challenges perceptions about mental illness in Australia and encourages everyone to look at mental health in a more positive light, in an effort to reduce stigma and make way for more people to seek the help and support they deserve.

You can find more information about Mental Health Week by clicking here.

Please click here to find out more information about Mental Health Partners.

We would love to see you at Hollywood Plaza between 10am and 2pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Tuesday we will be there from 12.30pm to 2.30pm.

Remember Mental Health is everyone's business.
