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Deb Gleeson - 16 January 2017

Back to work - make you way into the new year with enthusiasm

Back to work - make your way into the new year with enthusiasm

  1. Enthusiasm is a feeling and if you are not feeling it, you can fake it. One of my best tips for being who and what you want to be is 'fake it until you make it'. As you 'fake' enthusiasm you will find that you are becoming enthusiastic. People around you will notice and up their enthusiasm to be with you. You become the pathway, all be faking it!
  2. Make time to do what you love - find 20 minutes a day. If you can't make 20 minutes a day for something you love….ask yourself 'Do I like the illusion and excuse of busyness more than my passion?' Don't worry or get hard on yourself if the answer is yes. This is just you at this time.
  3. Practice self-compassion - you are human and we all make mistakes. If you are not living up to your own standards, treat yourself as you would your best friend. Be compassionate and don't beat yourself up. We often respond to our own failings with self loathing...practice self-compassion.
  4. Remember you are on the journey of your life….nothing is more important.

Mental Health is everyone's business.