A true story of how a course participant used Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
This is a true story from a Mental Health First Aider. All names have been changed for privacy.
June is a podiatrist. During the MHFA course she talked about a client (Brett) who she thought was having suicidal thoughts. We discussed how she may support Brett.
In Brett's first appointment after the course she asked him 'Are you thinking of killing yourself?' Brett looked surprised, and answered straight away. 'Yes, I am, how did you know?'
June was then able to discuss with him what she had noticed and he was able to tell her how ashamed he was about his suicidal thoughts. June gently asked him 'where can you get some help?' Brett said he hadn't thought about help, only keeping his thoughts secret because he was so ashamed.
June listened to Brett and was able to help him make a plan to see his GP and discuss his suicidal thoughts. Brett rang and made an appointment from June's office.
June rang me to debrief after this engagement and she told me that the week after the MHFA course: every night after she had brushed her teeth she looked at herself in the mirror and practiced asking 'Are you thinking of killing yourself?' She said this really helped her when she had to ask Brett.
I now suggest this to all participants in the course as a way to help be confident when asking someone if they are suicidal.
June did a great job of MHFA for a person with suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
She asked the person straight out.
She stayed with them and listened.
She help the person link himself with appropriate professional help.
Thanks to June and Brett for agreeing to me using this story here. You know who you are.