Deb Gleeson
- 20 October 2016
To disclose a mental illness in the workplace, or not
To disclose or not to disclose that is the question.
First and foremost the decision to disclose or not is a personal one.
When thinking over this question the pros and cons may change at different times. For instance you may decide not to disclose when first interviewed but tell someone when you need some help or support. The amount of information disclosed is also part of the choices to be made.
Some Pros about disclosing are:
- Enables reasonable adjustments to be made
- Enables support
- Educates others about mental health problems
- Reduces stress associated with concealing mental health problem
- Explains behaviours associated with mental health problem that may have been misinterpreted or mislabelled
- Can lead to positive experiences with co-workers, such as others disclosing
- Means person can be honest about their mental health problem.
Some Cons may be:
- Could lead to unfair treatment/ discrimination like reduced likelihood of promotion or job loss
- Employer may not provide appropriate support
- Could promote gossip
- Could lead to rejection or ostracism by co-workers
- Could lead to co-workers devaluing or undermining the person
As stigma about mental health issues lessens through the efforts of programs like Mental Health First Aid and beyond Blue the Cons lessen. Choose the right decision for yourself.
Remember Mental Health is everybody's business.