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Deb Gleeson - 12 April 2017

20 minutes after leaving her first 6 hours of Mental Health First Aid training, this happened

Completed the first two sections of Mental Health First Aid training and 20 minutes out the door….then this happened!

This is a story from one of our newest Mental Health First Aiders. She told it to us when she came for her second day of training.

Risa had completed the first 6 hours of MHFA training at her workplace. As she was walking out of the building with a colleague she was telling them about what she had learnt and asked them, in a practice like way, 'Have you been thinking of killing yourself?' The colleague said 'Yes' and then quickly left the building.

Risa was sure that the colleague had been honest with their, yes. Overnight she planned her approach for the next day.

Risa approached the colleague and asked them if they could talk about what had happened yesterday. Risa had a private place and asked at a time when her colleague would be able to talk if they wanted to.

The colleague told her that she was the first person who had ever asked him about suicidal thoughts. He had not told anyone about these thoughts. Risa listened to him and then gave him support. She told him about suicidal thoughts being common and acting on them not.

They talked for two hours. Risa said that she just made the time available because the colleague obviously needed it.

The outcome of the discussion was that the colleague agreed to talk to their GP and said that they would try to discuss it with their partner as well.

Great Mental Health First Aid Risa! You hadn't even finished your course but you were able to put what you had learned into action!

Remember, Mental Health is everyone's business.