0402 749 850

Resilience First Aid (RFA) one on one

(14 Hours – Certified and Accredited for 3 Years)


9 out of 10 people can benefit from increasing resilience skills which protect against mental illness such as depression and anxiety. Throughout the pandemic, this need has only increased. This is why we need to take a preventative approach to mental health. Rather than waiting until people need professional treatment, we can start supporting each other to connect and build mental wellness proactively.

Resilience First Aid (RFA) as a mental health certification teaches you strength-based skills to build resilience in yourself and others. You will learn how to spot signs of low resilience, learn language to talk proactively, and skills that build resilience.
This is a new approach to put trained mental health champions in place who actively boost the resilience and mental health in their communities.

    " The presenter was able to involve all participants and used their experiences to enhance the understanding and importance of resilience. "
        " This course will enhance your Life!"

What You’ll Learn

Many people don’t know what protects mental health, how to talk about it and what resources and skills are available. This is what Resilience First Aid will teach you.
We all need to have the skills to be able to support those around us – at work, at home, wherever we are.

Course Format

14 hours face to face
Either TWO full Days or 4 Part days


Resilience First Aid is fully accredited under the Australian Government's Suicide Prevention framework. You can read more about the full formal accreditation is by Suicide Prevention Australia here.
Resilience First Aid is accredited by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), providing approval for earning 10 Ongoing Professional Development (OPD) credits. See the listing here.

Whats included

RFA responder Kit

12 months access to resilience APP

PR6 report

Course Fees

$575 All Inclusive