0402 749 850

Resilience Coaching (CREC) face to face


Are you looking to enhance your resilience and improve your overall well-being? Join us for a transformative workshop based on the PR6 Resilience Program. Throughout this workshop, you'll discover comprehensive skills to boost your resilience across six domains: Vision, Composure, Reasoning, Tenacity, Collaboration, and Health.

Workshop Highlights:

What You’ll Learn

Our PR6 Resilience Program Workshop delivers valuable outcomes for both individuals and businesses, empowering participants to build resilience and enhance overall well-being. Here's a breakdown of the benefits for each group:
Individual Benefits:

Course Format

Varies depending on individual and Group needs.
Can be as short as 6 months or as long as 12 months


All participants leave fully accredited in improving their thier own & others resilience

Whats included

The PR6 Resilience Program Workshop is designed to deliver tangible benefits for both individuals and businesses, ensuring that participants and organizations alike enjoy lasting, positive outcomes.

Course Fees

Prices vary by number of participants and Locations etc
For a full quote call 0402 749 850 or email  admin@mentalhealthpartners.com.au